Book Reading
Reading the books aloud to the children, helps them develop an interest in the books, it introduces them to the world of words, new places around the world, new concepts. It helps them to develop their imagination and inspires them to learn to read themselves. It calms your child, especially when she/ he is fretful and restless. It promotes longer attention span, which is an important skill for your kid to be able to concentrate. It also builds listening skills and imagination. In fact researchers have concluded that “reading to a child in an interactive style raises his or her IQ by over 6 points.” Gone will be the days, when you’ll worry about sending them to phonetics classes. Growing up he/she wouldn’t have to mug up any grammar rules in school -it’ll come naturally. When introduced at an early age, the child learns early that reading is fun and not a chore. When your child grows up, you will not be stressed about getting her/ him to read, as reading has become, for her/ him, a pleasurable habit. The list of benefits of reading out to the children is unending as reading has so many benefits! Keeping this in mind, we organise book reading sessions at our library whereby we read out various kinds of stories, poems and science fictions to them. We welcome you to participate in the same and enter our mystical world of fantasy and imagination!!!